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Past Display
Welcome to the ‘YES’ Gallery!
Jun 15, 2024
Aug 25, 2024
permanent exhibition
From 15 June the YES Gallery will be relocating from Level 2 into the Gallery itself on Level 1, to launch with the Gallery’s winter exhibitions.

‘YES’ stands for ‘Young Exhibitors’ Showcase’, and up until now has been on Level 2 as part of the Community Access Gallery. The exhibition space showcases the Gallery’s member schools’ and kindergartens’ student artworks, and is an opportunity for these schools and kindergartens to give their young artists a platform to present their artworks to the public.

The YES Gallery has continual revolving exhibitions, and is always booked out and in high demand. Students love bringing their families into Gippsland Art Gallery to show them their artworks on display. The YES Gallery is a connection point to the public and to the Gallery’s younger audiences.

The YES Gallery moving inside the Gallery from June will increase these audiences’ visits to the Gallery and acknowledge the importance of the Gallery’s Education and School Programs, as well as the importance of students’ creative expression.

Selected Artworks
Andrew STYAN
Catch Your Breath
Interactive photographic installation Dimensions: variable
Dimensions variable
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